August 26, 2008

First Day of School

Last night proved to be more of a challenge for Libby than Maison. The kids and I ran a few errands and got home around 8:30pm. I got Libby into the shower first, but yet she somehow managed to be the last into her jammies. Maison wouldn't admit to his excitedness, but brushed his teeth 3 times and gargled twice. (He wanted to make sure his teeth were nice and clean!)

Maison hopped into bed without much fuss before 9pm, while his sister was in and out of our room what seemed like a half dozen times! Finally sometime around 10:30pm things were quiet.

I got up around 5am and headed to the gym, came home around 6am, made banana bread, played with the dogs, woke Jason up, and was in the shower around 7am. Maison was up before 7:15am, when his alarm was set to go off, and had his first banana bread loaf. Time I was dressed and had Libby up, I think he brushed his teeth another couple of times. Libby on the other hand was her usual slow poke self. Despite her slowness, we had plenty of time for a couple of pictures before Daddy met us at the house.

We got to Maison's school and it was a whirlwind. There were kids, adults, and school supplies all over the place. Maison picked out his locker and we got him unpacked and somewhat situated. There was absolutely no fuss and when we tried to say goodbye, he just pretended we weren't there. I was okay with that because I was expecting a tearful goodbye from Libby later this morning.

Not realizing the time, we left in a flash because we had 5 minutes to get Libby to her first day of school. Not a great way to start off the year. We made the 5 mile trip back to North Liberty with 0 minutes to spare. Got her out of the van and into the school. She picks a great spot to hang her backpack, turns to look at us, and says "can I go play with my friends now?" I didn't know what to say, other than yes, but I was so let down. I didn't want major theatrics, but a little heartfelt whine would have been appreciated. Off she went and back to the van for us. As we were driving away I said to Jason, "can't believe neither one of the kids are going to miss me!?" In between work calls, he says "I miss you already." It just wasn't the same.

August 16, 2008

Raingutter Regatta

Click play, but hold on to your hats, it's windy!

Maison raced in his first Raingutter Regatta for Cub scouts today. It was a double elimination, and needless to say, he was eliminated twice rather quickly. It was a great race and a great experience. He and Daddy worked hard on the boat and it looked great! It was of course red, white, and blue, and numbered 44. Maison asked why number 44 and I replied that number 44 was Daddy's favorite number. Maison responds, "that's too bad, because I like number 45." Just had to be one higher. Daddy had to clear the air by saying his favorite number was actually 43. I guess I can't say I have a favorite number. What does a number actually do for you anyway? All in all, it was a great race!

Libby's 4th Birthday

Click play for some birthday party fun.

Libby had quite a busy birthday weekend. On Saturday, we went to Maison's school for a clean-up day, then headed over to watch him race his boat, back to the school for more cleaning, over to Grama Shari's and Papa Ed's, then to the Texas Road House for dinner, finally home for birthday cake and presents.

Hard to believe she is 4 already! On Saturday when she woke up, she says "am I still four?" My reply was yes and she was sad for a minute because "I won't ever be three again?" I said, "no, but in a year you'll be five." That seemed to cheer her up rather quickly! Thanks for all the great gifts and cards. Everything was so perfect for her...sparkly, girly, or princessy!

August 8, 2008

Cedar Rapids Kernels Game

The district that Maison's Cub Scout Pack belongs to had the opportunity to attend a Cedar Rapids Kernels baseball game. We have never taken the kids to a baseball game and I haven't attended a game since high school, so it was pretty exciting. All the scouts from the district were invited onto the field before the game for a parade around the bases.

The kids had a great time eating cotton candy, learning "hey batter, batter, batter" and "we want a pitcher", and dancing during the 7th inning stretch. I really don't know how much of the game they watched, but they, including B, really seemed to enjoy it. Papa Ed even managed to squeeze in a nap. (How anyone could sleep with all of the noise is beyond me!)

The kids enjoyed the fireworks the most! As we entered the stadium, we were handed special glasses to make the fireworks more enjoyable. I managed to get a video clip of the more enjoyable fireworks. I have to admit, the glasses were pretty cool!

Click the play button for some summer baseball fun.

August 5, 2008

Digital Photography

Double click the play button to enjoy some photo's of the kids

We used our "bonus" money from the government to buy a new computer as well as some digital photography editing software. I have been toying with the idea of starting up an at home business that would include photography, but I haven't really sat down and put the whole thing together yet. Lots of ideas, but I need to narrow it down.

The kid's pictures have been my first attempt. I learned lots from just this attempt. First important point, sunny days are not ideal! Too much squinting and shadows. All in all, not to shabby.

August 1, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Double Click the Play Button to See the Fishies in Action

This was Maison's second round of swimming lessons for the summer. He advanced to Level II. This was Libby's first class, Tadpoles, and she passed with flying colors. The kids are looking forward to the fall to continue their swimming adventures!


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