March 28, 2009

Fabulous: Part 1

Grandmere' Mary and Papa Dan came down for the weekend to watch Libby's dance recital. She told me she was a little nervous because Grammy and Papa had never seen her dance before. All in all, the girls did a great job! They have two more shows: The Spring Show and a pregame show for the Cedar Rapids Kernels!

March 27, 2009

Rollerskating Party

Maison's school had their annual rollerskating party tonight in Wellman, IA. The kids had a blast. Last year we bought Maison rollerskates for his birthday, and he's been practicing ever since just for this night. Libs didn't do too shabby either. No broken bones, but a few bruises.

March 21, 2009


Click the play button for some birthday party fun!

March 13, 2009

5 Months Old

This has been a busy month! At the beginning of the month Iz loved playing on her side. She would be able to roll over if she would just lift her head! Her entire body is on her front except her head.

She is still eating her baby food. The thicker the better! She absolutely hates peaches! Will not no matter what eat them! We'll try again at a later time.

Maison and Libby went to Rolfe for Spring Break, so it was just Sqiz and I. It was a rough week without my great helpers. There was no one to entertain her but me and I got boring real quick! I had all these great notions of getting some long over due things done, but that never happened. Some days I never even got a shower. It was all worth it! We had a great time just playing!

Iz rolled over the day after my birthday and scared herself half to death! She can do it, but isn't quite sure because she can't get back over.

March 9, 2009

So Jason and I are watching one of our programs that we record Sunday evening. During a commercial break I decide to use the restroom. As I was walk back toward the bathroom, I step into something wet. I immediately blame the dog and assume she peed on the floor. If it was dog pee, man, she must of really had to go!

After some exploration, we discovered water all over the basement. Jason opened the storage room door and we were greeted with a quarter of an inch of water all over the floor! What the...?!@#* Of course it had been raining all weekend! After some further investigation, Jason discovered that the outlet the sump-pump was plugged into wasn't working. (We had some wiring done for free and the breaker in the box was labeled wrong!).

With the help of our neighbor Jeff, we began taking pictures and sucking up as much water as possible as well as moving everything to higher ground! I called the insurance company as well as Service Master. What a racket!

Service Master said they would be at our house at 7pm. They didn't so up until 10:30pm and wouldn't even tell us the rough pricing of anything. It you have insurance?...and ...sign here. Needless to say when the insurance adjuster came the next day, we crapped! We were looking at $5500.00 at a minimum! That's right FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS! What the...?!@#* We (by we I mean Jason) took matters into his own hands and began doing most of the work himself. Thanks to Jason's awesome handyman skills and his cousin Tyler's connection in flooring we are looking at about $3000.00. $1997.81 to dry our carpeting and remove 5 garbage bags of padding, and the rest in new padding, relaying of the carpet, and tile flooring. Hard to believe the drying cost more than the padding and tile!

We got lucky in the storage room because Jason was in the process of turning that into the toy room, so we actually didn't have anything in there! We caught it soon enough to get everything to higher ground, so none of our things were damaged. VERY LUCKY!

March 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Grama Shari

We celebrated Grama Shari's birthday tonight at our house, complete with pizza, presents, and a Dairy Queen icecream cake! Just for the record, my Dad's present to Grammy is in the Santa bag! Squizzy had her first bite of icecream cake. After the first initial sock, she was grunting for more!


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