I'm going to preface the above title, "Swamp Hole" with a little story. One day we were all in the kitchen and I look over and Maison's scratching his backside. From the angle I a was at, it looked like he was in it up to his elbow! I said, "Dude, what are you doin'?" He looked at me like I was completely stupid and says in all seriousness, "I got swamp hole." I couldn't help but laugh and asked, "what is swamp hole?" He said, "you know, when your butt gets all sweaty and itchy." Now, I can honestly say I've never heard that expression in quite that way. I think the reason why I laughed was because it made me think of "swamp a-double snakes", ("snakes" is code for the letter S, and double obviously meaning two.) which I hadn't heard in years! So I think we can all agree that swamp hole is not fun.
So with that said, let's discover one way a person can get major swamp hole. Papa Ed was home for the week and the kids wanted to go over and help in the yard. (So far, so good) I agreed and took the kids over. Later that afternoon, Papa called and said, "you might want to bring a change of clothes when you come over. The kids got a little dirty today." I really didn't think much of it because kids get dirty when working in the yard. "A little dirty", was putting it WAY TOO MILDLY! I packed up some clothes and headed over to my folk's house. When Squizzy and I got out of the van, I could hear the kids playing on the side of the house. I walked over and am greeted with the sights below!
What the h-e-double hockey sticks (double hockey sticks is code for 2 L's) happened? My Dad said, the kids might have gotten a little muddy! I know for a fact that when Ryan and I were little there was no way in H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS that would have ever happened!
This whole week Jason was in Canada. When I showed him these pictures he said..."So, how did you handle that?!" He knows me all too well! Surprisingly I didn't freak or even really care. However, if that had been in our yard, well those kids would be burried in their swamp hole! My mom was a little more vocal. I hope for my sake, my mom laid into my dad after we left.
Mind you, it wasn't too warm out and there was no way I was taking the kids in the house until they were hosed off. We hosed them off nude in the front yard infront of God and everyone!