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July 31, 2009
July 24, 2009
Weird Weather
July 20, 2009
No One Is Leaving Until...
Earlier in the week, the kids were over at Grama Shari and Papa Ed's house and Izzy was giving the kitty more love than he could handle, so naturally, he "put the tooth on her". (Translation: he bit her arm).
Then there's Libby. She was next door playing with the boys on their swing set/fort. I hear a bunch of commotion and Libby comes home screaming. I asked her what happened and all I heard was... I was whaaaaa, sniff sniff sniff, sob sob, then whaaaaaaaaa, I told whaaaaaaaa, but I don't want to play anymore sob sob. I was never able to get the whole story from her and of course each kid had their version of the truth but some how Libby was going to slid down the slide when all of a sudden the rock climbing rope got wrapped around her neck. It's amazing that no one saw anyone put the rope around her neck! I'm sure when she's 30 we'll hear what really happened.
The story wouldn't be complete without Gracie! Our neighbor Carey thought it would be a great idea to have Gracie come over and meet their new dog Jack. I was hesitant in saying that she gets nervous around dogs that are bigger than she is. Against my better judgement I went and got her. Jack took one sniff of her butt and she snapped at him. He didn't like that and snapped back puncturing Gracie's ear. Gracie doesn't get mad, she gets even. After Jack lost interest in her, she took off and went up on Carey's deck and left a Cleveland Steamer right by their sliding glass door! I'm sure that really showed him!
At that point I made the executive decision to keep everyone in the house for a couple of days just because I could hear the cash register dinging in my head!
July 14, 2009
Summer '09
So I finally got my new camera; the Nikon 5000D. I absolutely love it! If I could only figure out all of the cool things it does by yesterday!!! Here are some pictures of the kids. Maison's 8, Libby's 5, and Squiz is 9 months. Maison says to me the other day, "hey mom, when I'm 11 Libby will be 8." I gave him my best "you're crazy" look and he says, "I did the math." Some days it's so hard to believe just how old they are getting!
July 13, 2009
9 Months Old
She loves to eat, eat, and eat! She is drinking less and less formula as Papa Ed gave her strawberry milk in her bottle! At least the strawberry milk was whole milk! Squizz also loves playing with her Sissy's dollies. Unfortunately Squizz always has to be the Daddy because he is the only doll with hard plastic hair! Libby doesn't want her dollies' hair to be ruin as she spends hours and hours fixing and brushing their hair!
Squizz has been to the pool a few times and loves to swim! She loves just floating on her back! Next year she will be much more fun at the pool!
July 4, 2009
4th of July
Jason took all of the kids up to Vermillion, SD to visit their cousins for the 4th of July weekend so Mama could get some well deserved R & R! I was sad to see them all leave, but mentally my brain gave a huge sigh of relief. Maybe technically that would be considered a brain fart?!
The kids had a great time with their cousins as always!