February 26, 2010

Under the Sea

Click Play To Go "Under the Sea"

Libby had her second performance of the year tonight. They participated in the Solon High School Dance Show.

February 25, 2010

Patriotic Program

Maison had his Patriotic Program tonight for school. They did such a great job as always! Below is a video of some of the songs they sang. Maison's body movements and reactions to the music definately bring a smile to my face! He cracks me up!

Click Play to Have a Grand Ole Time

February 22, 2010

Sponsorship Available

So does anyone truly know the cost of raising and Olympic athlete? The kids officially enrolled in gymnastics at the beginning of February at Iowa Gymnest. They each attend class Tuesday night from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. So far they really seem to enjoy it!
After the 3rd class, Libby's teacher kept her after for about 15min to work on some skills. She came bopping out and Miss Mary came over to talk to me. At first I was a little apprehensive because the class Libby is in is for kindergarten through age 9, and I was afraid Miss Mary learned that Libby isn't in kindergarten! I just put her in that class so they could both go on the same night at the same time! I was somewhat relieved to find out that age wasn't an issue. It was her ability.
So the girls in Libby's class range from age 6 to age 9. Miss Mary informed me that she sees great potential in Libby. Even though Libby has only been there for 3 weeks, she can out skill everyone in her class including the 9 year olds, who have been there since the fall. I must admit I was intrigued and VERY excited for Libby! Miss Mary asked me if she could move Libby into the Stars group for the remainder of the year and summer, in hopes she could move her into the TAG group in the fall and next spring or fall have her on a pre-team squad. I was stunned to know that a 5 year old child who has only spent 3 hours in the gym has that much potential. I asked Miss Mary to give me some time and we headed home.
I asked Jason if he was ready to mortgage the house to the hilt. And proceeded to tell him Libby's news. We started looking at the cost and the potential for both Maison and Libby because Maison is equally amazing and what one does the other wants. Maison doesn't seem too competitive, but Libby on the other hand, if she gets a taste of blood, we won't be able to stop her!
I started asking around thinking maybe Libby wasn't as talented at Miss Mary led me to believe. However, that doesn't seem to be the case. Not a single parent or child we know whose child has been in or is currently in gymnastics has ever been invited to join these "invitation only" classes. So maybe she really is great?!
At this point, we have opted to keep her where she's at. The cost right now is too much and too much just doubled when you look at the Stars group. Too much doubled becomes too much double plus half when you move into the TAG group...do you see where this is going? Too much doubled plus half plus the car and the house becomes entirely way too crazy when you're only 5! Will she be washed up when at 12? That's just CRAZY!
So, this past week when we were getting ready for "nastics" Libby says..."Mom, I'm only going if I can be on t.v.!"
We are looking for sponsors. In exchange for your charitable donation we are willing to turn over our parental bragging rights. Feel free to brag about how great our kids are to anyone that is willing to listen!

February 16, 2010

Kids Write the Funniest Things

So this past week has been somewhat rough at the house. We have been very fortunate this winter as far as illness is concerned because no one has really been sick...no tummy flu or colds. However, Libby has had this really nagging cough. No stuffy nose, no fever, no nothing other than this cough. (For those of you that don't know, Libby sleeps on the floor in Maison's room, which is a whole story in itself.) So we have been doing Mucinex, Vic's Vapor rub on the chest, and running a humidifier in the bedroom, all in hopes of helping that cough. Cause honestly if I have to hear that one more night, I'm moving out!

*Sidenote: Did you know you're not supposed to put Vic's Vapor rub in or around the nose?! WHAT!? When I was a kid I used to stick that stuff right up my nose holes, not so much because I needed it, but because it smelled AWESOME!*

So, now that you have some background information, on with the story. Jason and I have been recording American Idol to watch after the kids go to bed. Last night was no exception. We sent the kids off to bed and headed for the basement. After Idol, we headed upstairs, Jason to the bedroom and I myself to the kitchen to lay things out for Libby's preschool snack. Jason comes to the kitchen and says "You've got to come see this." I smile, only knowing that it can't be good and proceed to follow him to our bedroom. I round the corner into our room and see this dry erase board propped up on my side of the bed.

February 15, 2010

Traveling Cousins

Great Auntie Janis and Great Uncle Beau stopped and stayed with us over the weekend as they traveled to and from Omaha. The kids had a great time together! They haven't met but only a couple of times, but they just picked up where they left off last time! They already have plans for Easter. I don't think us adults know what those plans are, but the kids do!

The kids played outside in the snow for just a little while only because it was too chilly the be outside for very long. Libby and Ella made a slide out of the pile by the driveway; Georgia shoveled the grass; and Ian made a beeline down the block!

February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

We had some friends over for the game and our family proudly wore their Colts gear. Libby calls them the Horseshoes, Maison calls them the Ponies, and Izzy, well, she just claps when you say "Yeah Colts!"

Maybe next year!


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