My dad called and wanted to run out to Jason's shop to grab some mulch and any other treasures he could find. Papa came over and picked Jason and Gracie up. As my dad and Jason loaded things up, Gracie and Joe took off on their hunting excursions like always. When it was time to leave, they called the dogs and Joe came back but not Gracie. They called and called and nothing. Both my dad and Jason walked every square inch of the property and couldn't find her.
My dad happened to see a meter reader and approached him. He told my dad where he saw Gracie and my dad scooped her up. Jason and Papa dunked her in the pond at the shop thinking she was over-heated. In the mean time Jason phoned and had me get a cool bath ready. When everyone got home, Jay put her in the tub to try and cool her down. Her front legs where not working at all! That didn't seem to be working so they moved her outside and used the hose. At that point I was frantically calling the emergency vet. We found a place that would see her, wrapped her in a towel and headed up toward Cedar Rapids. The vet saw her right away.
We knew the news wasn't good when the vet started the conversation off with, "If we want to know what is truly wrong and know whether or not it can be reversed, Gracie will need and MRI that can only be done in Ames or at the University of Wisconsin." The rest all seems kind of blurry and unclear at that point. The only things I knew is that she was perfectly fine an hour ago and now the life she knew would never be again.
After discussing options and what would be best for Gracie and for us, we decided to let her go. We went and got the kids and some milkbones so we all could say goodbye. The kids went back to our folk's place and Jason and I went to be with her until the end. It was rather quick...too quick, but it was painless and we were with her through the whole thing. She lived a long wonderful 12 years! She will be very missed!
Our beloved Gracie AKA Graciella, Stinky, Stinkles, Stink.