September 21, 2007

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Congratulations are in order for Maison. He has joined Boy Scouts and has become an official Tiger Cub. He had his first bonfire ceremony. We had a storm roll through, but it didn't dampen his spirits. After having his face painted, awards were presented to the boys.

Robbie, Jake, & Maison

Maison earned his...

1. Recognition Emblem for learning:

The Cub Scout Motto: Do Your Best

The Cub Scout Sign: Right hand holds up first 2 fingers

The Cub Scout Salute: Right 2 fingers to right eyebrow

He also received and orange bead for completing a den activity and a black bead for completing a "go see it"

2. Bobcat Badge for learning:

The Cub Scout Promise

The Cub Scout Motto

The Law of the Pack

The Cub Scout Salute

The meaning of Weblos

The "Bobcat Requirement"

The Cub Scout Sign

The Cub Scout Handshake

3. Quality Unit Badge

1 comment:

ModFarmhouse said...

Congratulations, Maison! We are happy that you are a cub scout!


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