January 18, 2008

On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!

Papa Dan and Maison worked on his derby car over Christmas break and Daddy put the final touches on it this week.Everyone told us the Pinewood Derby was a serious event. We thought we understood what serious meant. Judging by some of the cars, we grossly misunderstood "serious"! This was a professional track that had an automatic start and a timer, which was all hooked to a computer! Maison's car was 33 out of 50 something.
Apparently the boys at the office had their own little Pinewood Derby! Must be a guy thing. Here I thought Jason was going off to the office to put a hard days work in, but I was sorely mistaken. They were busy weighing and racing!

It was amazing to hear the kids chanting for their favorite cars! The Oscar Meyer car was a crowd favorite. One heat included the Oscar Meyer car, the Ketchup Bottle car, and a Mustard car.

There has already been talk about next year. Now that we know this race is more about the parent's ability and creativity, Papa Dan and Daddy will have their work cut out for them!

On Your Marks, Get Set, Double Click Play!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pinewood derbys.... how fun they are... some boys never grow up!!

Glad everyone had fun!
Auntie Lillian


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