Jason and I have known for quite some time about the addition to our family. We (when I say we, I really mean me)opted not to share right away mainly because Jason kind of freaked. We have been trying for about two years, but resigned the possibility last fall. Prescriptions and doctor appointments we getting costly, not to mention becoming a huge burden.
After coming to the conclusion it wasn't meant to be, I joined a gym and we adopted a dog! Should have figured it would happen that way. Late in February after barfing up a tuna sandwich, I suspected something was amiss. I was so excited, I woke Jason around 5am to share the good news. Apparently there is no news that is good news at 5am. Jason had a momentary freak out. Saying we would have to sell the house and some other crazy utterances that I couldn't understand. Feeling disappointed I talked him into not telling anyone until after my first appointment, hoping he would come around. It took some time, but he eventually came around.
Knowing we were heading to Rolfe for Easter, we decided to tell my folks before we left because we knew once the kids knew, everyone would know. Jason and I made the above t-shirts for the kids. They thought they were pretty cool. On my birthday we headed to Grama Shari's work to share the good news. The kids proudly sported their new shirts. Didn't take my mom long to figure it out. Maison told everyone there we were having two babies. Yikes! One will do just fine!
My dad and brother were another story. Neither one of them got it right away. But after some explaining from Maison, the soon felt like fools.
The kids wore their shirts to Rolfe. Grama Mary was already in bed when we arrived. Papa Dan didn't get it either. Not even after Maison gave him some hints! It wasn't until the next morning when Maison explained it to Grama Mary that Papa Dan finally got it.
All is going well and Maison and Libby can expect their new brother or sister between October 18-October 26.
We are so excited for you guys!
A new baby! How exciting!! I need to read better some days!!!Looking forward to hearing more news about this... not many of your relatives went beyond 2 offsprings...WOW~ you are entering into unfamiliar territory!
I am excited for you and your family~! Much love <> Auntie Lil
We will have to get a bigger house so all three will have their own rooms! no more after this, please.
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