May 1, 2008

Farming Around

Maison's class went to 3 farms today. First of which was a turkey farm. His teacher's daughter just received 20, 000 baby turkeys 3 days ago. They estimate that about 10% will not make it past the first few days. I never realized how delicate turkeys in general are. We entered a little room where we had to put bags over our shoes and then dip them in some solution before we could enter. The kids were then instructed to remain very quiet, calm, and still. ( I have never seen or heard these kids be so quiet...ever!) Unfortunately, there were quite a few turkeys "sleeping" when we walked in. Every now and again a turkey would escape and be chased down by a kid, only to be man-handled by every kid in that vicinity! Libby even got in on the action. When I asked her to gently put the turkey back in his cage, she tossed half way across the ring! (Good thing I left my checkbook at home! Mama couldn't afford to buy all the turkeys that were petted and squeezed!)

We were then taken to see turkeys that were "closer to seeing Jesus." It really is amazing that from the moment they hatch to about 12 weeks later, turkeys are ready to see Jesus. Here's the ironic part, the night before the field trip, we had turkey for dinner! HEE HEE.

The next farm the kids visited was a farm where a young girl was raising animals for a 4H project. The kids looked at lambs, chickens, rabbits, and cows. These cows were randomly standing around and the kids thought it would be funny to moo at them. When they began mooing, the cows immediately lined up in a straight line. It was truly weird!

We rounded off the day at Mrs. Ruess's farm. The kids had a weeny roast, smores, and birthday cake. They enjoyed their nature walk and of course the cows.

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