June 3, 2008

The Heritage Center

We took a trip to the Heritage Center by the capital. Some of the displays are unbelievable!

During the Grand Forks flood of 1997, Anheuser-Busch donated canned drinking water from their brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado, to aid in relief efforts. Floodwater contaminated the public water system, making the usual sources of water undrinkable. University of North Dakota students, among others, came to call the canned water “Floodweiser”.

Mosasaurs were huge marine lizards, up to 40 feet in length, that inhabited the world's oceans during the cretaceous. This skeleton is one of the mosasaurs called Plioplatecarpus that inhabited the Pierre Sea about 75 million years ago. It was discovered in 1995 by Mike Hanson and Dennis Halvorson on Orville and Beverly Tranby's farm in the Sheyenne River Valley near Cooperstown, in Griggs County, ND.

The Mastodon lived in North America during the last part of the Ice Age, 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. This well preserved mastodon skeleton was excavated at Highgate, Ontario in 1890. This skeleton actually has a history being in the circus.

The Bison Latifrons was the largest of all North American Bison, about 25% larger. It has been radio-carbon dated, its age is estimated at being over 47,500 years old. This is the only skull found in ND.

This is the oldest house ever excavated in North Dakota, 550-410 B.C. Its was occupied during the fall and winter. Clay pots, food, weapons, and tools were found during the excavation in and near the house

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