July 26, 2008

Get Grossed Out @ Your Library

Maison and Libby were involved in the summer reading program at our library. Every Tuesday Maison met in the Rec. Center for a story and activity. This summer's theme was gross. They read books like Walter the Farting Dog, The Gas We Pass, Guts, etc. They loved it.

Libby was supposed to be read to for 20min. each day and Maison was encouraged to read 30 books at his reading level. For each 5 books (Maison) or for 100 min (Libby) they received a raffle ticket for a prize drawing when the program was over.

Maison ended up reading 50 books this summer and Libby heard 600 min worth of stories! At the finale each received a t-shirt and a mug full of goodies. Neither one won anything from the raffle, but Libby won a door prize in her age group! Before they finished calling her name, her hand was up in the air and she says "that's me!" She won a scooter and a helmet. Unfortunately, she has a helmet and a scooter just like the one she won. We opted to return them to the store where she picked out a backpack for school and decided it would be a great reward for Maison to get a new L-Max game for all his hard work. All in all, everyone was a winner!

1 comment:

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