February 27, 2009

Big Girls Don't Cry: Part II

Click Play

Part II of this recital was originally scheduled for Friday February 13! There was a freak snowstorm and the show was canceled! What do you expect for a Friday the 13th?!

Unfortunately Daddy and Papa Ed were unable to attend this show :( Libs was a little sad, but was cheered up instantly when her brother gave her a flower!

Their new dance they are working on is Fabulous from High School Musical 2! All of the girls need a purse and a pair of sunglasses. I wonder which of Libby's 10 million purses she will choose? (That girl has more purses than anyone I have ever seen!)

February 21, 2009

Jurassic Pack

Tonight was Maison's Blue and Gold Banquet for scouts. The theme this year was Jurassic Pack. The boys had Dinosaurs all over our tables. It was really cool. Everyone in Maison's Den received their Wolf badge for completing all of their Achievements. At the end of this school year he will graduate to a Bear. I have lots of patches to get sewn on his shirt! I am behind the ball! They also had an official uniform inspection and Maison received a 100%! He was the only scout to have official Cub Scout socks! I should get a gold star for my efforts as well! Below is a picture of Maison making his best wolf face! Pretty scary!

February 13, 2009

4 Months Old

Here's our little Izzy McSquizzy. She is such a good baby! (All of our kids have been great babies! We've been extremely lucky!) I was somewhat disappointed when I took Iz to her 4 month check-up. Don't get me wrong, she has been great and super healthy, but I really was thinking she has been our chubbiest baby to date. Maison was 2 months early and still doesn't have an ounce of fat on him and Libs is exactly the same. Izzy on the other hand actually has baby fat. Her skin actually folds over her socks and it is hard to tell where her chubby legs end and her butt begins. It's pretty cool. She is not fat by any means, but I was hoping around the 50th percentile. Masion wasn't really ever on the chart for weight and Libs always hung around the 2% to 5% for quite a while.

I was quite optimistic, but that was soon over. She took her weekly poop, which was HUGE right before her appointment! :( She ended up only being in the 25th percentile for weight even after I had the nurse weigh her twice! She is officially 25 1/4 inches long (75th percentile), 12 lbs 6 1/2 ounces (25th percentile) and her head is 16 1/4 inches (50th percentile). In other words, perfect.

I looked back at the other kids at their 4 month birthday. It's kind of interesting.
Maison: 13 lbs 24 in
Libby: 12 lbs 25 1/2 in
Izzy: 12 lbs 6.5 oz 25 1/4 in

It just doesn't seem possible! We'll see if Iz keeps putting on weight. Looking back at Libby she was the same weight for quite some time until she hit one year when she weighed 17lbs.

(Just a side note, her hair doesn't always stick up, but Daddy loves her little curl on the top so I don't try too hard to comb it down! That will be our little secret.)

Valentine's Day Party

Click Play To Be A Part Of A Great Valentine's Day Party!

Libby had her Valentine's Day party yesterday at school with her school friends. Both of the kids worked very hard this year on their Valentine's. We bought sticker kits that had to be assembled. They looked like little postcards. Libby received lots of cards and lots of candy! (Mommy hid all of the candy, but not well, because I noticed the bag is holding much less candy than it should. Soon it will be empty.)

Maison had his class party today at school. Libby and Izzy were both invited to attend his party as well. At school, Maison had been studying the food pyramid and choosing 5 or 6 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. So as part of their party one of the parents supplied a heart shaped meatloaf and the students provided the fruits and veggies. It was an awesome turn-out and they had a fruit or vegetable from each color: red grapes, strawberries and apples; orange carrots, cantaloupe, and peaches; yellow pineapple; green peppers, celery, beans, grapes, and honeydew; blue berries; purple grapes; white mashed potatoes and bananas.

I was in charge of organizing the class party which also included an activity. We first had everyone make airplanes out of Smarties (the body of the plane), Big Red (the wings of the plane), Lifesavers (the wheels), and a rubber band (wrapped through the wheels and over the gum to hold everything together). We finished the party by making tissue paper hearts.

Maison and Libs had a great time with Maison's school friends. Izzy even got lots of attention from mostly the girls as well! All in all it was a great Valentine's Day and weekend!

February 10, 2009

Windmill Point

Maison's school went to Windmill Point today to put on a little show for the residents who live there. They sang a few songs, passed out Valentine's cards, and helped make tissue paper flowers with/for the residents. It was a lot of fun and the residents really enjoyed having the kids there. Maison was a little apprehensive at first, but ended up having a great time. Izzy was a hit with the little old Grandma's. Her cheeks were quite red after all of the pinching.

Click Play

February 9, 2009

The Discovery of Sponge Rollers

The other day at the store, we were walking down the shampoo isle when Libby says, "When I'm a mom like you will I have curly hair?" I smile and tell her probably not because her hair is very straight. She is instantly sad and disappointed because she now thinks she can't be a mom. I zip over to the comb isle in search of sponge rollers. I actually find some! I tell Libby she can have curly hair like me if we put these rollers in her hair. Spirits are lifted and she becomes extremely excited.

I make her wait the entire day until after her shower to put the rollers in her hair. She stands very still and is very helpful holding hair and handing me curlers. Right before bed she is bound and determined to take them out. However, I explain that we have to wait until morning. I thought she was going to explode with anticipation!

Morning arrives and right away she is ready to take out the curlers! I talk her into some breakfast, so while she snarfs down her cereal, I begin removing the curlers. She no more than takes her last bite and off to the bathroom she goes to get a look.

I follower her down the hall to discover a most peculiar look on her face. I ask, "What's the matter Libs?" She replies, "Do you think my school friends will think I'm a stranger?" I assured her that her friends would recognize her cute face!
Her school friends really got a kick out of her hair as well as everyone else that ran into her that day. She was feeling pretty proud of herself!

February 3, 2009

Just Eat It

Click the Play Button to See Izzy Eat for the 1st Time!

We bought Iz a new seat called a Bumbo. It's absolutely great! Jason decided to try it out tonight a feed Izzy some cereal for the first time. I don't know what was funnier, watching Izzy trying to eat for the first time or watching Jason trying to feed her. (He was opening his mouth every time Izzy was suppose to open hers, he even went as far as sticking his tongue out like her!) She seem to enjoy what cereal she managed to swallow!


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