February 9, 2009

The Discovery of Sponge Rollers

The other day at the store, we were walking down the shampoo isle when Libby says, "When I'm a mom like you will I have curly hair?" I smile and tell her probably not because her hair is very straight. She is instantly sad and disappointed because she now thinks she can't be a mom. I zip over to the comb isle in search of sponge rollers. I actually find some! I tell Libby she can have curly hair like me if we put these rollers in her hair. Spirits are lifted and she becomes extremely excited.

I make her wait the entire day until after her shower to put the rollers in her hair. She stands very still and is very helpful holding hair and handing me curlers. Right before bed she is bound and determined to take them out. However, I explain that we have to wait until morning. I thought she was going to explode with anticipation!

Morning arrives and right away she is ready to take out the curlers! I talk her into some breakfast, so while she snarfs down her cereal, I begin removing the curlers. She no more than takes her last bite and off to the bathroom she goes to get a look.

I follower her down the hall to discover a most peculiar look on her face. I ask, "What's the matter Libs?" She replies, "Do you think my school friends will think I'm a stranger?" I assured her that her friends would recognize her cute face!
Her school friends really got a kick out of her hair as well as everyone else that ran into her that day. She was feeling pretty proud of herself!

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