December 22, 2009

The Allen Family Christmas

So we headed up to Rolfe for our Allen Family Christmas. It's always hard to decide who's more excited about opening gifts, the kids ... or... Grandmere and Papa Dan.

The kids got more than they needed, like always...the boys lost interest, like always...and the girls got stuck cleaning up the after Christmas explosion, like always!

Mario Cart was a HUGE hit for Maison! Syd, Maison, and Hayley figured out how to wirelessly (I think I just made up a new word!) link their DSes to play and race eachother at the same time! Cool! Of course I had to pretend I knew how to hook them up when Maison was telling me about it because the minute he figures out he is smarter than I...well, I'll be in HUGE trouble!

I think Libby did more than fart when she saw her train case loaded with make-up and other girly products! It was make-overs for all of the girls. Addy patiently waited while Libby applied make-up and too much parfume!

Maison loves passing out the gifts. Unfortunately he can't pass the ones out in front of the tree first. He has to head to the back first because according to him, that's where Grammy keeps all the good presents. I wish Libby was around to open up the rest of her gifts. Unfortunately Hannah Montana had to do it for her!

Well, looks like Maison can study up on what it takes to be the best pirate ever! Did you know that all pirate flags aren't the same? As for Squizzle, she has her purse, her phone, and her sucker and is ready to hit the road! Libby runs over to Sqizz and says..."Oh look, a we can share your purse!" Libby is such a purse horse!

Unfortunately we had to cut our trip WAY TOO short due to the weather! On the plus side we didn't miss too much as others didn't make it to the Bud Barn either because the weather was so horrible! Everyone was sad to leave early, but there is always next year.

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