July 17, 2010

Our Beloved Gracie

Today was a very difficult day for us. It started out like any other morning. Around 6:30am Gracie jumped up on the bed and sat between Jason and I, close enough to scratch Jason's armpit with her scratchy toes. We scratched her for a while then shooed her down.

My dad called and wanted to run out to Jason's shop to grab some mulch and any other treasures he could find. Papa came over and picked Jason and Gracie up. As my dad and Jason loaded things up, Gracie and Joe took off on their hunting excursions like always. When it was time to leave, they called the dogs and Joe came back but not Gracie. They called and called and nothing. Both my dad and Jason walked every square inch of the property and couldn't find her.

My dad happened to see a meter reader and approached him. He told my dad where he saw Gracie and my dad scooped her up. Jason and Papa dunked her in the pond at the shop thinking she was over-heated. In the mean time Jason phoned and had me get a cool bath ready. When everyone got home, Jay put her in the tub to try and cool her down. Her front legs where not working at all! That didn't seem to be working so they moved her outside and used the hose. At that point I was frantically calling the emergency vet. We found a place that would see her, wrapped her in a towel and headed up toward Cedar Rapids. The vet saw her right away.

We knew the news wasn't good when the vet started the conversation off with, "If we want to know what is truly wrong and know whether or not it can be reversed, Gracie will need and MRI that can only be done in Ames or at the University of Wisconsin." The rest all seems kind of blurry and unclear at that point. The only things I knew is that she was perfectly fine an hour ago and now the life she knew would never be again.

After discussing options and what would be best for Gracie and for us, we decided to let her go. We went and got the kids and some milkbones so we all could say goodbye. The kids went back to our folk's place and Jason and I went to be with her until the end. It was rather quick...too quick, but it was painless and we were with her through the whole thing. She lived a long wonderful 12 years! She will be very missed!

Our beloved Gracie AKA Graciella, Stinky, Stinkles, Stink.

July 16, 2010

Boating Bash

Papa Ed and Grama Shari rented a pontoon boat for a couple of days this week. We loaded up everyone and when I say everyone I MEAN everyone: Uncle, Tara, our family, Grammy, Papa and the dogs!

We had such a great time boating, swimming, tubing, eating, and sunning ourselves. The only down side was that we had to return it! The kids had an absolute blast and would live on the water if we would let them. I on the other hand am still a little fearful of the scurvy lake water. I just can't let go of that feeling that something is going to grab my leg! Yuck! We all slept really really well after that!

July 10, 2010

Drive-In Theater

Tonight we drove over to Newton to take the kids to their first drive-in movie theater experience at Valle. We headed over and arrived around 7:30pm for the first showing at dusk. I thought we would be super early, but we were almost too late to get a spot.

We laid the seats down in the back and made a little place for them to lay. Jason and I put our chairs out behind the van and Squiz fell asleep in her seat watching a movie on the DVD player.

They broadcast the movie over your car radio which makes it way better than those tiny speaker boxes. We watched Toy Story 3 first and then Libby crashed out. The second showing was Prince of Persia and surprisingly Maison stayed awake for the entire movie!

The drive back was shorter than I thought it would be and we had everyone in the house and in bed by about 2:45am!

July 9, 2010

I Love Corn

Tonight Squiz decided she wanted her very own corn on the cob. I knew it would only be a matter of time. Both Maison and Libby loved and still love corn on the cob. I was surprised that she actually ate it verses just licking the butter, the salt, and the pepper off.

July 4, 2010

4th of July Celebration

Our church celebrated the 100 year anniversary of The Big White House this 4th of July. The church bought the abandoned property about 3 years ago and have slowly been restoring it in order to open up to the community as community center.

The kids enjoyed playing period style games which of course included bobbing for apples!

June 26, 2010

June 17, 2010

The Allen Family

The great thing about a wedding is getting everyone together in the same place at the same time. However getting all of those people to pose for a picture in the same place at the same time is a totally different story. (Lots and Lots of editing went into this photo!)

June 4, 2010

The Beach

So today I decided to be daring. I was going to take the kids to the beach by myself. Seems harmless and fun right? I drove around for an hour! We could see the stupid beach, I just couldn't get to it. It was only by chance that Jason happened to text me and he was able to direct me via text message. I had no idea my hubby was so technicalogically savy! Not too bad for 38! We found it and the kids had a blast!

May 29, 2010

Slip Slide-N-Away

Grama Shari and Papa Ed bought a slip-n-slide this weekend. Which is actually kind of funny because when we were sprinkler shopping, the kids begged and begged and I said no, not knowing my folks had already purchased one. It worked out well in the end.

The kids had a blast, and I had a blast looking back at the photos. I really REALLY love the frame by frame aspect! The thing that cracked me up the most was Libby's little cricket leg in one of the shots. I looks like it's coming right out of her head.

I don't know if my pants were wet from water or pee, either way, I really needed a good laugh!

Click Play to Slip-N-Slide

May 28, 2010

Preschool Picnic

So, I was extemely late to the preschool picnic, so late that the teacher called because Libby was in a panic. May is such a crazy month, and having 2 kids at 2 different schools just doesn't help me out at all! I can't remember who is supposed to be where at what time! Today was no exception other than it was the very last day of school.

Libby enjoyed lunch and a butterfly launch with her school friends. As we were getting ready to leave she says..."So, am I going to kindergarten tomorrow?" It's going to be a long summer if I hear..."Is today the day?"..."How about the day after today?"..."Today?" I think a visual aid is in order!


So, Jason once again has left for his trip, completely being insensitive to what it's like being a single parent with 3 small children all of which are not out of school for the summer. It's really at this point I wish I had a job! I would only then be a single parent for 3 or 4 hours out of my day instead of 24! I don't think he has any idea what a typical day for me looks like or even appreciates the effort of keeping this place from imploding on itself taking me down with it!

So my day went a little something like this...

6am: Up, showered and coffee made (Jason now drinks coffee, but doesn't know how to make it!)

7am: Leaving to go grocery shopping because there is no way I'm taking 3 small children with me to Wal-Mart alone! The whole time hoping Jason is getting everyone ready for school.

9am: Arriving home from shopping, hoping no one is home because if they are, that means the kids are late! Unload groceries, reload van and truck with tons of items for school garage sale.

10am: Head to Maison's school. Unload all garage sale items from truck and van except for one bag. Why one bag? Because that was the one Jason unloaded after he sat and talked on the phone and watched me do all of the work. Mind you, it was a scheduled day off and he didn't need the phone. It's not like he ever call us from Canada anyway. (I just really hate that phone! It absolutely consumes him, like an addiction to crack. He doesn't get reception in Canada anyway, so why does he need it?) *sidenote: I know hate is a strong word, but seriously what conversation is more important than helping someone out? I admire anyone who doesn't have a cell phone! I wish I had the strength to get rid of mine!)

10:15am: Realize I forgot to pick up the teachers a little something and dashed off to Barnes and Noble for gift cards! Whoever invented the gift card is a genius!

10:30am: Head back to Maison's school, deliver cards, and pick him up from his last day.

10:45am: We are now late to Libby's picnic for the last day of school. I send Maison and Jason to the park and I head to get lunch. Also get a phone call from Libby's school reminding me she has no lunch and is panicked!

11:30am: Realize that Izzy has crapped through her diaper, say good-bye to Jason, get Izzy poop all over the car seat and head home.

11:35am: Strip Izzy down and get her in the tub. Bath #1

11:40am: Figure out how to take a car seat apart that is not meant to come apart.

12pm: Abandon car seat to get Izzy out of tub and down for a nap.

12:05pm: Take another look at the car seat.

1:27pm: Finally get the damn thing apart, managed to not lose one of the many screws and put the liner in the wash along with Izzy's clothes and clean the poopy tub!

1:45pm: Izzy up from nap. Crapped out her diaper all over the bed. Poop spray on the walls! Strip her down again and get her in the tub. Bath #2. Get all of the sheets and blankets out of the bed and into the washer. Scrub and spray walls down.

2:10pm: Izzy out of the tub and dressed and clean the poopy tub AGAIN.

2:15pm: Kids decide they want to run through the sprinkler. We don't have one, so I load everyone up and curse myself for not buying the water toy I saw for $10.00 earlier this morning! I debated and debated, but didn't buy it! I even had it in the cart at one point!

2:45pm: Load everyone back up after buying way more than what I came for and headed home.

3:01pm: Pulled in the garage, went to unbuckle Izzy, only to be greeted by another shit storm! Seriously?!

3:05pm: Izzy in the tub AGAIN! Bath #3! Taking the seat apart AGAIN, much faster this time!

3:20pm: Izzy out of the tub, poopy tub cleaned, and back to the seat!

3:32pm: Liner and clothes in the washer again.

3:34pm: Everyone outside to run through the brand new sprinkler.

4:00pm: Izzy sprayed in the face, pissed, and ready for a snack.

4:05pm: Izzy in the highchair eating some applesauce. Gracie kept bugging her and she kept shushing her away. I think she got confused and accidentally threw applesauce all over the kitchen.

4:10pm: Izzy in the tub yet AGAIN! Bath #4! Highchair liner in the washer. I start making hamburgers for dinner. Leaving the applesauce. It's just too much to deal with right now, considering I just scrubbed the kitchen floor yesterday. Really!? It couldn't have happened later in the week when the floor really needs scrubbing again?

4:20pm: Izzy out of the tub. Went with a onsie this time. Back to finish dinner.

4:30pm: Grill lit, Libby in the shower, and Maison on the front porch getting ready for his summer haircut. Still leaving the applesauce because I feel like the next time I come in, it will magically be cleaned up! Right?

4:35pm: Half of Maison's hair cut. Clippers quit working. Used oil, hair brush, and a knock on the cement to fire them up. Blades going back and forth, not cutting. FRICK!

4:45pm: Libby still in shower, half of Maison's head buzzed, me trying to hold back a breakdown and going next door praying Carey has a clipper.

4:50pm: Crisis averted! Used Carey's clipper to finish Maison's hair.

4:51pm: Trying to get Libby out of the shower so Maison can get in. (The smallest body needs the longest hottest shower right?) Assuming there is even any hot water after the washer has been running all day as well as the tub! Izzy trashing my kitchen cupboards. Maison in the shower. Realize the trimmer is on Jason's shaver, which he obviously took with him (which I don't know why since they don't shower or shave! Don't get me wrong, they aren't really roughing it, but they don't seem to mind each other's funk.)

5:00pm: Found an old trimmer, stole batteries out of other gadgets, trimmers trimming.

5:01pm: Put burgers on grill. No magic clean up! Get the applesauce cleaned up and the kitchen floor mopped.

5:15pm: Check on burgers. Ran out of propane. Take about 10 deep breathes squeeze out a couple of tears and take everything in.

5:16pm: I never had pan fried burgers before, but I don't know how else to finish them off. I get out my tiny frying pan because it's the only one that things don't stick to (I needed to replace my cookware about a year ago, but just don't have the money to do so!) Grease is flying everywhere because the meat is 85/15. Great! What's worse, grease or cemented applesauce?

5:30pm: 4 burgers finally cooked. Everyone eating but me. Izzy eats her burger then moves on to mine.

5:45pm: Kids outside, trusting them to keep an eye on Izzy because now I have a greasy oven top to clean up. Clean up kitchen.

6:05pm: Every kid in the freaking neighborhood is over!

6:20pm: Blood curdling screams heard for miles! Maison took a nasty spill on his bike and now requires a nurse. I take him into the bathroom, clean up his road rash on his elbow, ankle and stomach. Get him bandaged, give him kisses, and get him back outside so I can finish cleaning up the kitchen.

6:31: My mom calls. I relay the above info and she offers to come over with adult beverages!

7:00pm: Izzy diaper change, another snack, and to bed.

7:16pm: Food preparation. All fruits and veggies washed and salsa made.

7:45pm: All flowers and garden plants watered.

8:02pm: Mommy here with adult beverages. Head outside to the deck.

9:00pm: Maison, Libby, and the neighbors come inside to play for a little while.

10:00pm: Everyone home, all kids in bed and I am sitting down for a good cry and to put the car seat back together for what I hope is the last time. Make a list of all the things that need to be done tomorrow. I can't forget to mow the lawn. It feels like I just mowed it, but I guess it was Tues. the last time I mowed it. I hate this time of year because now the lawn requires me to mow it twice a week or it turns into a hay field! Oh, yeah, I didn't even get to Maison's therapy today, better get that one the list twice for tomorrow!

So now when Jason gets home, it will be another week before I see him because he will have to work late just to get caught up. Where is my break from it all you ask? I've been asking the same question for years now! When you find it, let me know! I just hope tomorrow isn't as exciting as today!

May 24, 2010

Say "Cheese"

Izzy definitely has a mind of her own. I don't know what goes on in that mind, but it's definitely her own! Getting her to do anything would be like trying to herd a bunch of cats into a corral!

She is so hard to photograph because I can't even get her to turn her face towards the camera, let alone smile. Every time she sees the camera, she turns away. I have some really great shots of her backside!

Today was different. I got the camera out and was flipping through some pictures. I accidentally hit the picture taking button, and the red-eye reduction beam shined right on her. I happened to look up and see a version of the faces to the left.

Every time I said "say cheese," and the red-eye reduction beam lit up, the face was the same. A stinky feet cheese face! Each of the photos to the left where taken minutes apart!

May 21, 2010

Preschool Celebration

Libby had her Preschool Celebration today. It was very exciting. They sang a bunch of songs and groups performed skits. Libby's little group performed "The 3 Billy Goats Gruff" Libby was the big sister billy goat. After their songs and skits, each child was presented a "diploma" and shared what they aspired to be. Libby was the only one in her class that wants to be a Princess when she grows up! Now, if we could only afford to buy a country.

Click Play to Join the Celebration

May 20, 2010

Pack Graduation

Tonight, Maison had his pack graduation. His den moved from Bear Scouts to Webalo Scouts. Maison was super proud of the arrow they broke over his shoulder. It was quite an ordeal!

May 13, 2010

Season Finale

Tonight was Libby's last performance of the year. Her Tiny Kix class performed 2 of their favorite dances, Under the Sea and Wonder Pets.

I think Libby is looking forward to not having to wear her dance suit anymore! It's hard to tell from the photo, but it has crusty glitter all over, and sequins around the neck. She just itches and itches like crazy and then I spend the next million years vacuuming up the fairy dust! Two years worth the fairy dust all over the place! I found some on a sweatshirt that has been washed at least 3 times since the last show!

Click Play to See Tiny Kix in Action

The Shoemaker & The Elves

Maison had one of the leading roles in his school play. Coming up with a costume was easier and cheaper than I thought! The hair consists of shredded paper, a hat, and a combination of spray glue and hot glue. The pants are sweats with white long socks over the top. The shoes were the most difficult. I cut brown felt and basically laid it on top of his crocks. There is an elastic band under the shoe holding each side to the shoe. We used yellow pipe cleaners for the buckles, and borrowed the apron from Libby's play cook set. Not too bad.

Maison says..."Why do I always have to be the dad and why is Ginny always my wife?" I hadn't really thought about it, but every year, so for 3 years, Maison and Ginny have been mom and dad/husband and wife. The first year they played mom and dad to Goldilocks. The second year they were Mary and Joseph. And this year they were Gretchen and Hans.

Click Play for a Peek and Maison's Staring Role

April 29, 2010

Weird Science

Masion had his annual Science Fair for school again. This year he decided he wanted to test different bubble recipes to see which formula would produce the best bubbles.

Formula 1:
1 Part Dawn Ultra
15 Parts Distilled Water
.25 Parts Glycerin

Formula 2:
1 Part Regular Dawn
10 Parts Water
.25 Parts Glycerin

Formula 3:
2 Parts Regular Dawn
4 Parts Glycerin
1 Part White Karo Syrup

After his testing was done, Formula 1 made the best bubble solution. However, Formula 3 made bubbles that were super colorful and strong! They were hard to pop, which was good because they didn't float in the air long.

April 12, 2010

Maison's 9th Birthday Bash

This year was we held Maison's first all school birthday party! Maison was really excited to have all of his school friends celebrate with him.

On Sunday, Uncle Ryan and Auntie Tara had lunch with us at Maison favorite restaurant, Red's Alehouse. After lunch we headed over to Performance Health & Fitness to get things set up.

The kids first headed upstairs to warm up and play some games. They played "What Time is it, Mr. Shark?" and freeze dance. Next they did some races and relays and finally cooled down.

After a birthday song, we headed downstairs for some cake and presents. Maison had a really great time! His birthday celebration wasn't quite over yet. On Monday Grama Shari and Papa Ed came over for dinner and more cake! He had quite the birthday celebration this year.

Thanks for all of the cards, birthday wishes, and gifts!

Click Play to See the Birthday Boy in Action!

April 4, 2010


Click Play

We headed up to Rolfe this year for Easter. The Easter Bunny must have been very busy this year! There were eggs all over the yard!

Izzy enjoyed the jelly beans and was happy with her 2 eggs. She had one for each hand. Libby did a great job finding eggs this year as well as Maison. You will see in the video that some where just out of reach for Maison, but he kept at it until he got it.

The final egg that took the longest to find was on the power box up by the deck. You can get a glimpse of this pink egg in a few of the pictures. It was practically eye level for a couple of the kids!

All in all with all of the candy consumed, no one barfed, which means a holiday well done!

March 21, 2010

Wilderness Lodge

So we actually took a small family vacation this year for Spring Break! We've never done that before! It was really great, especially since the past few years the kids haven't even been home to celebrate my birthday with me!

We packed up our things and headed north to the Wisconsin Dells to the Wilderness Lodge with our friends Jason and Nicole and their kids. Instead of booking a room at the hotel we opted to rent a condo. It was great! 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, and a living room! We brought all of our own food which saved a ton! The weather was perfect so the short walk to the first park was perfect. From there, we were able to get to all of the other parks through the inside.

We played at 3 water parks, went to the arcade, played miniature golf and laser tag, and hit the haunted house on the way out. All in all it was a great trip and we look forward to doing it again!

Click play to get wet and wild

March 6, 2010

"You're 5 Like Me!": Part II

So Grama Shari turned 5 like Libby too! Now Libby, Grammy, and Papa are all 5! Next year, they'll all be 6! The kids decided they wanted to make Grammy a queen cake for her birthday, but from the above photo it's safe to say it didn't quite happen that way! Libby and I spent the afternoon baking a queen cake for Grammy while Maison was at a birthday party. She worked very hard and didn't get too many egg shells in the batter! (I picked most of them out, but what's a little crunch in a cake?) We put it into the oven, baked it, let it cool, and when we went to flip it...Well it broke in half and the top half ended up staying in the pan! I don't know who cried more, me or Libs!

So in a mad dash we headed to the store and there it was. The perfect cake...a giraffe! And you know what even made it better? It was on sale! WOOT WOOT! What happened to the broken queen cake? Well, we ate it for breakfast and lunch, with just enough left over for Maison to bring some to Grammy's party. (He doesn't like white cake) It was a BYOC party (bring your own cake).

Grammy got lots of great cards and gifts! Papa bought her some ruby earrings and we bought her a birthday outfit for her giraffe!

Warning: Click play at your own discretion. We are not responsible for any side effects to extreme sugar overload!

March 5, 2010

Skating Party

Maison had ITBS Testing all week at school. On Friday night of that week, Hillside families and friends meet at the Wellman skating rink for a celebration of a job well done! Libby doesn't have the skating thing down real well, but gets around pretty good on the Fisher-Price skates. Izzy and Daddy are Limbo experts, and Maison has turned into quite the speed skater!

February 26, 2010

Under the Sea

Click Play To Go "Under the Sea"

Libby had her second performance of the year tonight. They participated in the Solon High School Dance Show.

February 25, 2010

Patriotic Program

Maison had his Patriotic Program tonight for school. They did such a great job as always! Below is a video of some of the songs they sang. Maison's body movements and reactions to the music definately bring a smile to my face! He cracks me up!

Click Play to Have a Grand Ole Time

February 22, 2010

Sponsorship Available

So does anyone truly know the cost of raising and Olympic athlete? The kids officially enrolled in gymnastics at the beginning of February at Iowa Gymnest. They each attend class Tuesday night from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. So far they really seem to enjoy it!
After the 3rd class, Libby's teacher kept her after for about 15min to work on some skills. She came bopping out and Miss Mary came over to talk to me. At first I was a little apprehensive because the class Libby is in is for kindergarten through age 9, and I was afraid Miss Mary learned that Libby isn't in kindergarten! I just put her in that class so they could both go on the same night at the same time! I was somewhat relieved to find out that age wasn't an issue. It was her ability.
So the girls in Libby's class range from age 6 to age 9. Miss Mary informed me that she sees great potential in Libby. Even though Libby has only been there for 3 weeks, she can out skill everyone in her class including the 9 year olds, who have been there since the fall. I must admit I was intrigued and VERY excited for Libby! Miss Mary asked me if she could move Libby into the Stars group for the remainder of the year and summer, in hopes she could move her into the TAG group in the fall and next spring or fall have her on a pre-team squad. I was stunned to know that a 5 year old child who has only spent 3 hours in the gym has that much potential. I asked Miss Mary to give me some time and we headed home.
I asked Jason if he was ready to mortgage the house to the hilt. And proceeded to tell him Libby's news. We started looking at the cost and the potential for both Maison and Libby because Maison is equally amazing and what one does the other wants. Maison doesn't seem too competitive, but Libby on the other hand, if she gets a taste of blood, we won't be able to stop her!
I started asking around thinking maybe Libby wasn't as talented at Miss Mary led me to believe. However, that doesn't seem to be the case. Not a single parent or child we know whose child has been in or is currently in gymnastics has ever been invited to join these "invitation only" classes. So maybe she really is great?!
At this point, we have opted to keep her where she's at. The cost right now is too much and too much just doubled when you look at the Stars group. Too much doubled becomes too much double plus half when you move into the TAG group...do you see where this is going? Too much doubled plus half plus the car and the house becomes entirely way too crazy when you're only 5! Will she be washed up when at 12? That's just CRAZY!
So, this past week when we were getting ready for "nastics" Libby says..."Mom, I'm only going if I can be on t.v.!"
We are looking for sponsors. In exchange for your charitable donation we are willing to turn over our parental bragging rights. Feel free to brag about how great our kids are to anyone that is willing to listen!

February 16, 2010

Kids Write the Funniest Things

So this past week has been somewhat rough at the house. We have been very fortunate this winter as far as illness is concerned because no one has really been sick...no tummy flu or colds. However, Libby has had this really nagging cough. No stuffy nose, no fever, no nothing other than this cough. (For those of you that don't know, Libby sleeps on the floor in Maison's room, which is a whole story in itself.) So we have been doing Mucinex, Vic's Vapor rub on the chest, and running a humidifier in the bedroom, all in hopes of helping that cough. Cause honestly if I have to hear that one more night, I'm moving out!

*Sidenote: Did you know you're not supposed to put Vic's Vapor rub in or around the nose?! WHAT!? When I was a kid I used to stick that stuff right up my nose holes, not so much because I needed it, but because it smelled AWESOME!*

So, now that you have some background information, on with the story. Jason and I have been recording American Idol to watch after the kids go to bed. Last night was no exception. We sent the kids off to bed and headed for the basement. After Idol, we headed upstairs, Jason to the bedroom and I myself to the kitchen to lay things out for Libby's preschool snack. Jason comes to the kitchen and says "You've got to come see this." I smile, only knowing that it can't be good and proceed to follow him to our bedroom. I round the corner into our room and see this dry erase board propped up on my side of the bed.

February 15, 2010

Traveling Cousins

Great Auntie Janis and Great Uncle Beau stopped and stayed with us over the weekend as they traveled to and from Omaha. The kids had a great time together! They haven't met but only a couple of times, but they just picked up where they left off last time! They already have plans for Easter. I don't think us adults know what those plans are, but the kids do!

The kids played outside in the snow for just a little while only because it was too chilly the be outside for very long. Libby and Ella made a slide out of the pile by the driveway; Georgia shoveled the grass; and Ian made a beeline down the block!

February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

We had some friends over for the game and our family proudly wore their Colts gear. Libby calls them the Horseshoes, Maison calls them the Ponies, and Izzy, well, she just claps when you say "Yeah Colts!"

Maybe next year!

January 15, 2010

Pinewood Derby 2010

Last year we watched someone send their derby car down "as is"... a rectangular piece of wood with wheels, and it did way better than Maison car, which was carefully carved and shaped. With that in mind, Maison decided he wanted to leave his car pretty much as it was in the box.

He decided to make a SpongeBob car this year. Daddy helped him drill the holes for the sponge look, and he even let Libby help him paint it! We were very proud of him for coming up with the idea and doing the work himself!

Every year awards are give for speed, Cub Scout Theme, Patriotic Theme, Hawkeye Theme, Best Paint Job, and Scout's Favorite. This year Maison won the Scout's Favorite award! The boys loved his car and you could hear them chanting "SpongeBob....SpongeBob" as it traveled down the track! Maison received a ribbon and his picture in the North Liberty Leader, our local newspaper.

Push Play to See SpongeBob in Action

Maison's car placed second in Heats 1 and 2, in Heat 3 he placed first. Overall, he was 7th out of 36 cars as far as speed! Who would have thought a holey piece of would could be fast!

January 9, 2010

2nd Annual Wasserbaun Trip

So the past couple of years our friends Eric and Nancy come this way for a wrestling tournament up in Cedar Falls. We meet them in Amana at the Wasserbaun hotel so the kids can swim and the Dads can race down the water slides. Last year Sqizzerbella was too little to enjoy the pool, however this year was a different story!

Izzy had more fun going up and down the stairs in the baby pool! She would step into the pool over where we were sitting, walk all the way over to the steps and climb up, and start the process all over again.

Maison had a great time in the whirlpool. There were tons of kids and the water was going so fast, kids couldn't get out! It was the craziest thing I have ever seen! Maison thought it was pretty cool.


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