October 30, 2007

Pumpkin Guts

There is nothing like waiting till the last minute! Last weekend the kids, Grama Shari, and I decided to head back to Wilson's Apple Orchard to pick some apples and pumpkins. We drove out to Dingleberry Road (Yes, it's really Dingleberry Road) and the orchard was all sold out of apples and pumpkins for the season! Not to worry, we have a local pumpkin patch in North Liberty, so we drove back home only to find that our pumpkin patch was also sold out and closed for the season! I turned around to look at Maison, and I thought he was close to a melt-down, so off to Wal-Mart we went, praying the whole way! Luckily Wal-Mart had a few left! That was a close one!

So of course the kids wanted to carve their pumpkins. After spending a whole 2 minutes in the pumpkin guts, they decided it was too gross and wanted me to finish! Great! Let me add that to my list of things to do!

(Doesn't the dog look thrilled! Whoo Hoo!)

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