October 13, 2009

12 Months Old

Click Play to Get a Little Cake in Your Face

Hard to believe our Izzy McSquizzy in 1 year old today! It almost seems impossible! I just can't believe a year ago today my husband was slamming the wheelchair I was riding in, into a wall by the elevator! With the economy the way it is, our baby factory went out of business, but I'm wondering if and when the economy turns around if that factory will reopen for business?

Squiz still isn't walking on her own yet, and still isn't saying anything recognizable to anyone outside of our immediate family, and when I say immediate, I mean Maison and Libby only! I don't even understand her yet!

Unfortunately her vampire teeth have been accompanied with her two front teeth, so we will have to fore go the vampire bat idea. Her teeth seem so big to me, but then again, Maison still has some pretty big chompers!

She is definitely the most strong willed of the three! Just absolutely relentless at times! She definitely gives Libs a run for her money when the bottom lip pops out! That must be a girl thing because Maison never stuck his bottom lip out when he pouted! And believe me, he can still pout with the best of them!

Thank you for all the gifts and cards! They are most appreciated!

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