Hillside had their annual Open House tonight. Maison was pretty excited to show us some of the projects they have been working on at school. The kids have spent quite a bit of time observing, studying, and releasing insects. Lots of creatures on display at the school.
Maison has been selected as a self-manager at school, which means he is a "go-to" person in the classroom. He helps his teacher as well as other students! Great Job!
This year Maison is in a grade of his own, 2nd and a half grade! The 3rd grade is made up of all girls and most of those girls are old enough to be in the 4th grade, with one old enough to be in the 5th! So not only are they girls but all are a full year older than he! Poor boy didn't stand a chance! So the consensus was for him to work mostly with the 2nd graders because they are the same age as Maison and there are also a couple of boys, which Maison really likes his all boy group! He has the same privileges as the 3rd graders, like learning cursive! Maison is super excited about school and things are coming to him much easier which makes all of us happier!
This situation is just one of the many reasons we love Hillside! With the one room school house, the kids aren't limited to a specific grade and it removes the stigma of "pull-out" programs the public schools offer!
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